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[Graph program基于虹膜的模式识别VC源码

Description: 基于虹膜的模式识别的源码-iris based pattern recognition source code
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: | Hits:

[Special EffectsNormal_encoding

Description: 虹膜识别的一些源代码,供大家参考,是我做图像处理时候用的-Iris recognition to some source code for your reference, I do image processing time used
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 方文利 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopARM

Description: ARM的嵌入式虹膜识别源代码,用VC写的应用程序,可用来模拟虹膜识别的过程-ARM embedded iris recognition source code, use VC to write applications that can be used to simulate the process of iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: 张明 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个开源项目,功能是实现虹膜识别。开发语言Java。捕获的图像,位于虹膜、制作独特的虹膜轮廓 -This is an open source project, function is the realization of iris recognition. Development language Java. Capture images, located in the iris, the production of unique iris contour
Platform: | Size: 1357824 | Author: mysisi | Hits:

[Software Engineeringiriscode

Description: code for iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 3304448 | Author: sharad | Hits:


Description: 在数字图像中虹膜位置的有效定位是虹膜识别的关键问题。用一种基于主动轮廓线模型的方法定位虹膜的位置,先用灰度投影法检测出瞳孔内的一点作为瞳孔的伪圆心,该圆心只要能落在瞳孔内部即可。然后以该伪圆心为中心,在其周围等角度间隔地取N个点作为初始的snake基准点,按照snake 的运行机制不断进化,直到虹膜的内边界为止。最后,计算进化后的snake形心和snake上的控制点与该形心的距离,取其平均值作为瞳孔的半径,动态轮廓模型的形心作为瞳孔的圆心,即可准确定位出虹膜内边界的位置。实验表明,与常见的定位方法相比,文中的方法速度快、精度高,而且,对瞳孔初始的伪圆心要求不高,鲁棒性更强。-Digital image of the iris in the location of the effective positioning of the key issues of iris recognition. With a model based on the active contour method of positioning the location of the iris, the first gray projection method used to detect the pupil as the point of the pseudo-pupil center, the center of a circle as long as it can fall within the pupil. And then to the pseudo-center as the center, in terms of their spacing around the N points to get the snake as the initial reference point, the operating mechanism in accordance with the snake continued to evolve until the border until the inner iris. Finally, after calculating the evolution of snake and snake-shaped heart of the control point on the centroid distance, choose the average as the radius of the pupil, the dynamic contour model of the centroid as the center of pupil can be an accurate positioning within the borders of the iris position. The experimental results show that the position with common methods, the methods o
Platform: | Size: 1764352 | Author: 侯汶杉 | Hits:

[Windows Develop45666028

Description: 基于虹膜的模式识别VC++源代码(图像处理),用于学习图像处理是有很大的帮助-Iris recognition based on the VC++ source code (image processing) for learning image processing is of great help
Platform: | Size: 8301568 | Author: 吕强 | Hits:


Description: This the code for IRIS recognition by masek.It includes all the files including description of MASEK thesis.-This is the code for IRIS recognition by masek.It includes all the files including description of MASEK thesis.
Platform: | Size: 31470592 | Author: killer | Hits:


Description: iris recognition code matlab + iris code + code matlab for iris recognition + hamming distance code matlab -iris recognition code matlab + iris code + code matlab for iris recognition + hamming distance code matlab
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: kivok | Hits:


Description: iris recognition code matlab + iris code matlab + iris code matlab + code matlab for iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: kivok | Hits:


Description: iris recognition code matlab + iris code matlab + iris code matlab + daugman iris recognition
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: kivok | Hits:


Description: iris code with matlab + Daugman iris code matlab + code matlab for iris recognition + iris code detection
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: kivok | Hits:


Description: 基于matlab的虹膜边缘识别 包括边缘检测,归一化,用汉明矩进行特征匹配-Matlab on the edge of iris recognition, including edge detection, normalization, with Hamming moments feature matching
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 郭林炀 | Hits:


Description: this is very good iris recognition code iris segmentation
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: amijeet | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIris-Recognition

Description: Java Source Code for Iris Recognition.
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: aymen | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage-recognition-

Description: 图像识别的MATLAB代码,包括人脸识别和虹膜识别,在数字图像中虹膜位置的有效定位是虹膜识别的关键问题。用一种基于主动轮廓线模型的方法定位虹膜的位置,先用灰度投影法检测出瞳孔内的一点作为瞳孔的伪圆心,该圆心只要能落在瞳孔内部即可。-Matlab source code of image recognition, including face recognition and iris recognition, iris position in the digital image in an effective location is the key problem of iris recognition. With an active contour model based method to locate the position of the iris, the first gray projection method used to detect a point inside the pupil as a pupil of the pseudo-center, the center can be as long as fall within the pupil.
Platform: | Size: 959488 | Author: gaotengfei | Hits:


Description: 1.GeometricContext文件是完成图片中几何方向目标分类。 参考文献《Automatic Photo Pop-up》Hoiem 2005 2 GrabCut文件是完成图像中目标交互式分割 参考文献《“GrabCut” — Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts》 C. Rother 2004 3 HOG文件是自己编写的根据HOG特征检测行人的matlab代码 4 虹膜识别程序是下载的一个通用的虹膜识别程序,可以运行 5 GML_AdaBoost_Matlab_Toolbox是一个很好用的adaboost matlab工具箱 6 libsvm-mat-2.91-1 是用C编写的改进的SVM程序,代码质量很高,提供了matlab接口 7 SIFT_Matlab 是编写的利用sift特征进行的宽基线匹配,代码质量高 8 FLDfisher 是利用fisher 线性降维方法进行人脸识别-1.GeometricContext file is complete the picture in the geometric direction of target classification. References " Automatic Photo Pop-up" Hoiem 2005 2 GrabCut the target file is an interactive segmentation of image reference " " GrabCut " - Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts" C. Rother 2004 3 HOG documents prepared under their own HOG Characteristics of pedestrian detection matlab code 4 iris recognition process is to download a general iris recognition program, you can run 5 GML_AdaBoost_Matlab_Toolbox is a good use of adaboost matlab toolbox 6 libsvm-mat-2.91-1 is written in C to improve the SVM procedures, code of high quality, provides a matlab interface to 7 SIFT_Matlab is prepared for the use of sift features a wide baseline matching, the code is the use of high quality 8 FLDfisher fisher linear dimension reduction method for face recognition
Platform: | Size: 6918144 | Author: 张数 | Hits:


Description: Source code for Iris recognition on Matlab
Platform: | Size: 1673216 | Author: aicman | Hits:


Description: the code contain iris recognition code
Platform: | Size: 1324032 | Author: tariq | Hits:


Description: 虹膜识别技术是基于眼睛中的虹膜进行身份识别,应用于安防设备(如门禁等),以及有高度保密需求的场所。 人的眼睛结构由巩膜、虹膜、瞳孔晶状体、视网膜等部分组成。虹膜是位于黑色瞳孔和白色巩膜之间的圆环状部分,其包含有很多相互交错的斑点、细丝、冠状、条纹、隐窝等的细节特征。(Iris recognition abroad open source code, Windows Linux)
Platform: | Size: 3615744 | Author: dgyzmyx | Hits:
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